Posted by John Reiman - NCDB
On Sunday, July 17, the annual OSEP/NCDB/State Deaf-Blind Projects Meeting was held in Washington, DC. Titled ‘Enhancing Deaf-Blind Network Connectivity: Applications of Web Technology’, the day provided an opportunity for NCDB and states to collaboratively brainstorm around the use of web-based technologies to increase connectivity, productivity and network-wide dialogue. Following an overview of the day’s objectives and activities, the Meeting began with presentations on two targeted high-need content areas (Central Auditory Processing Disorder, and Regional State Deaf-Blind Project Consultation/TA Models). Next, focusing on these (and several additional) focal areas, NCDB staff presented/demonstrated a menu of web-based systems and strategies for information sharing, access to materials, and shared dialogue. The final and culminating activity of the day divided participants (n=110) into four facilitated discussion groups that addressed questions related to their: (a) “big picture” thoughts and reactions to the day’s emphasis on networking/technology, (b) perceived benefit in becoming a more interdependent Deaf-Blind Project Network, (c) interests in particular features of presented technologic tools, and (d) needs (e.g., supports, training, etc.) in order to participate fully in the network. Tentative analysis of data recorded from the group sessions indicated that participants: (1) valued the information presented on both targeted topics; (2) saw great potential for heightened collaboration through enhanced use of technology; (3) identified challenges and possible solutions related to technologic tool familiarity, mastery and implementation; (4) valued continuing thoughtfulness about how we proceed with application of technology as a community; (5) welcomed ongoing training, coaching and support in forward movement.
NCDB is excited about participants’ recognized value of uses of technologies across the network to continue the dialogue(s), strengthen the network, and ultimately, provide everyone with enhanced opportunities to work together. The uses of technology are clearly a focus area for OSEP’s current and future investments, and the deaf-blind network is well poised to capitalize on the established momentum.
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