Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quick Tips for Hassle Free Video

Recently, I attended a workshop titled “How to Shoot Video Like a Pro.” The first 45 minutes of the 90 minute workshop discussed how to hire a producer and director, how to find “talent,” and setting up a boom mic and camera dolly.

In most cases when shooting video for technical assistance purposes, you will not need to produce a high quality video, nor have the opportunity to do several “takes.” Here are some basic tips I have found helpful to increase my chances of getting it right the first time.

I always try to be aware of my light source. Light originating behind my subject will make them too dark.

I test the sound in the room by standing at a distance and walking toward the camcorder, while it is recording, and reciting a passage at a constant volume. This tells me the best distance for recording and sometimes informs me of background noise I hadn’t noticed.

Camera position
When applicable, I use a tripod to prevent excess movement and I always try to choose an angle that best captures my objectives.

Length of video
Remember, 5 minutes is considered a very long time to watch video. Three minutes or less is ideal. I often times break long videos into vignettes.

Know your camera
I like to keep a crib sheet of the control buttons, for the functions I know I will need.

Be prepared
Making sure the battery is fully charged (including a spare), having extra storage media, and a lens cloth for that inevitable smudge are essential for minimizing surprises.

If you have some favorite tips, please take a moment to share them with the rest of us.

See our brief, Considerations for Creating Video Clips for Technical Assistance  for more detailed guidelines on capturing quality videos.

Posted by Randy Klumph, NCDB


  1. Great tips, Randy. I had a similar experience, taking a "Shooting Video for the Web" class last fall. I learned some tips for interviews, but the subtext of the class seemed to be: "this is too complicated for you - hire a pro!"

    Hiring a video (crew!) doesn't work for our settings (schools and homes) or our purposes (get naturally-occurring interactions between children and key people in their day).

    As you pointed out, background noise is one of the biggest problems when capturing footage in a lively classroom.

    Smaller video capture devices (Flip, Sanyo, iPhone and other handheld) make it much easier for teachers to catch a teachable moment, or for consultants to get a snapshot of a child in action without attracting a crowd.

    1. Thanks Katie - Good point. Often times the best teachable moments are unscripted and spontaneous.

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